Xmoneta is a new global organization, a traditional financial and social institution. Xmoneta does not want to be a silent observer - Xmoneta wants to be a creator. Xmoneta wants to spur further development.

It's no coincidence Xmoneta uses the mysterious 'X' on behalf of our project. X is something unknown, while 'moneta' is a Latin word, meaning 'money'. So, Xmoneta deliberately uses references for cryptocurrency. Xmoneta is the next step after two technological revolutions. Xmoneta creates an advanced Messenger in an encrypted world for social and business communications. Unlike giants like Facebook and WhatsApp, Xmoneta has completely different principles and philosophies.

This allows users to meet their daily needs. Xmoneta's main concept is a truly mobile lifestyle, free of limits.

Xmoneta Mission.

Tired of the ancient trends, promoted by banks and global companies, Xmoneta decided to choose another path. The Way of the Future, free from mass surveillance, mind control, finances, and life goals. Our goal is to create a universal messenger and be completely secure. The new app will be based on Blockchain technology and will allow users to chat, send messages, make orders, buy goods, trade with people and save money. All in one app. That's how Xmoneta was born.

Advantages of Xmoneta

The + ethereum app allows you to:

  • Communicating with your friends,
  • Buy books of goods and services,
  • Have your money in your wallet safely,
  • Strange on our market platform,
  • Set your own business.
With Xmoneta it is possible to talk with friends, buy different items at electronics stores, listen to music, read books, order food, taxis and so on. More importantly, you can use your messenger as a wallet for various currencies. No need to waste your device memory by downloading multiple apps for various purposes. No more wasting your time using various sources and wallets to exchange and exchange different currency types.

Token Distribution

Xmoneta (XMN) Utility Token 

XMN is a utility token that drives the ecosystem. Therefore, as a utility token, XMN is required to support the platform and make it easier for its users. XMN is introduced as a decentralized crypto form, which holds the value provided by users and the laws of the market nature. It is used as a means of interaction and transactions between various activities, services, functions, and platform users from around the world.


XMN — Xilinx token symbol 
XMN is based on the default token token ERC20 
Token: 1 ETH = 2000 XMN
Total supply: 1,000,000 
000 XMN 70% - 700,000,000 XMN

For messenger ecosystems, gifts, affiliates 

20% - 200 000 000 XMN 

Token Sale ICO

05% - 50,000,000 XMN 
Token Sale Pre ICO

05% - 50 000 000 XMN For teams, communities, initiatives, etc. 
Minimum Investment: 0.1 ETH 
Number of tokens per one person: unlimited 
Maximum transaction amount: 
unlimited soft cover: 1000 ETH 
Hard cap: 95000 
ETH GAS limit: 250,000 
Crypto currency received - ETH

Bonus Token Holder 

If the token holder has not withdrawn his token for a year, he / she will receive a + 10% bonus of the total number of tokens stored.

Join The New World With Us! Our goal is to realize dreams come true. Xmoneta's main concept

truly mobile lifestyle, free of border. We are witnesses of the birth of a new global community, replacing traditional financial and social institutions. We do not want to be silent observers - we want to be creators. We want to spur further developments.

Get a free Xmoneta card! 
Xmoneta 'own crypto-card spending expense carries emergency crypto for offline use. The first 500 cards were awarded to 500 contributors to the first token sales of at least 20 ETH.

For more information about XMONETA  , you may visit this site: 

Xmonetabsite: https://xmoneta.com

ETH : 0xeFF84A77fB0bBbc5557F44b8DE4908D5Ca123AA4


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