
CryptoSouk your gateway to Crypto World

About CryptoSouk We believe that there is a unique opportunity to focus on centralized exchange of currencies in the Middle East and Arabic.  We also believe that major operations for trading, and the experience of making business if necessary to create a deeper and unusable.  In the Middle East, there are many wholesalers and investors who want a higher service and are not interested in better detail of private key prisoners.  They also want to partner with trading platforms that have culture, allow for the region, and change their language. They can be involved in this growing economic phenomenon and not technical. We've brought together a team of forex and regional and technology experts and experts who can provide a unique Arabic language.  We offer platforms launched in the region that offer trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Zcash and Monero at first.  We anticipate that we will be able to offer this coin will also help us get new customers for the exch


Penjualan LED Ke Pelanggan Energi Adopsi LED Global Melalui Teknologi Blockchain Kami ingin membantu secara agresif mendorong adopsi pencahayaan LED (Light Emitting Diode) dengan menciptakan Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) yang akan didanai dan digunakan oleh perusahaan utilitas utama dan pelanggan energi di seluruh dunia. Penjualan pribadi: Juni 2018  PreICO: Juli 2018  ICO: September 2018  Cap: $ 11,460,000  Pesaing: Tidak Ada "Pada tahun 2015, sektor listrik adalah sumber terbesar emisi gas rumah kaca AS, terhitung sekitar 29 persen dari total AS. Emisi gas rumah kaca dari listrik telah meningkat sekitar 4 persen sejak 1990 ketika permintaan listrik telah meningkat dan bahan bakar fosil tetap ada. sumber dominan untuk generasi. "- EPA Misi Kita Terawatt akan membuat DAO , dan juga deflasi berbasis Ethereum, swasta (zk-snarks) mata uang untuk pembayaran global. DAO akan didanai dan digunakan oleh Perusahaan Utility, Penjual L


BRIDGING MARKET ABOUT INGOT INGOT Coin is the first fully integrated Wallet with a Digital Bank, Brokerage, Exchange, Certifier, and ICO Accelerator. All components are rolled into a single and complete ecosystem, which rewards token holders and consumers for using and contributing to it. INGOT Coin is a decentralized cryptocurrency which provides benefits and discounts within the ecosystem itself. IC will be based on a ERC20 technology. The central part of the INGOT comprises of its ecosystem which branches into several more functionality portals. These include: IC Digital Bank- facilitates all transactions, payments, and settlement within the INGO IC Brokerage-for the investors seeking more trading options they can check for opportunities through the IC Brokerage portal. IC Exchange-IC also provides for cryptocurrency and fiat trading through their exchange platform IC wallet to hold the cryptocurrencies, INGOT coin, and fiat currency IC ICO Accelerator to champion


Что такое UHIVE Helloeveryone на этот раз я хочу представить очень необычный проект, UHive первую в мире социальную сеть «с физическими размерами и технологией blockchain». Узнайте, что это значит сегодня в наших обзорах. С ростом активного населения и ростом роста мобильной социальной сети (ориентировочно более 6,2 млрд. Пользователей в год), а также с интеграцией передовых мобильных процессоров на разных устройствах растущий потенциал способствовал развитию передовой социальной сети UHIVE. UHIVE бросает вызов статус-кво, трансформирует социальные сети и выводит их в новую эру, сочетая технологические способности (искусственный интеллект и блоксин) с человеческой психологией, чтобы обеспечить уникальный, естественный и развлекательный опыт. Наша приверженность - активизировать взаимодействие людей в парах, группах и сообществах, интегрируя базовые знания в области психологии и социологии социального развития и развития, с нашей передовой технологией blockchain, прокладывающ


ABOUT BITFENCE     The purpose of the Article is to present BitFence and HNY Token to potential token holders in connection with the sale of the proposed Token. The information listed below may be incomplete and does not imply any element of any contractual relationship. The sole purpose is to provide relevant and sensible information to the potential token holders in order for them to determine whether to conduct a thorough analysis of the company in order to purchase HNY Token. HNY Token is a utility token. This product is not a digital currency, security, commodity, or other type of financial instrument and has not been registered under the Securities Act, United States securities laws or any other state securities laws, including securities laws of any jurisdiction the potential token holder is a resident. HNY Tokens can not be used for any purpose other than those provided in Whitepaper, including but not limited to, any investment, speculative or other financial purposes